That weekend food guilt..ouch

Happy Monday!

Let me set the scene: You wake up Monday morning after enjoying a weekend with your friends. You went out to eat a few times. You heard people talking about how “bad” they were being with their food choices and how they were starting back on their diet on Monday. With every meal, you start thinking about how “bad” you were being and what that means? You overhear someone say they were going to be “working off” these foods and drinks all week. Now you start questioning whether that means you need to be “working off” them all week too? The guilt becomes overwhelming, because you really wanted a slice of chocolate cake for dessert too and now you feel you’re unworthy of having it.

You come to your senses soon after, because you— an intellectual, badass individual— know this is not how any of that works. Why was the food you were eating “bad?” Because it wasn’t a salad? BLEH. GET OUT. If every food I consume that isn’t chicken, broccoli, and white rice or a salad or some bland, boring meal IS “bad,” then I don’t want to be “good.” What an arbitrary way of thinking. What and who determines if a food is “good” and “bad?” and WHY?

Why exactly am I “working off” food that I enjoyed? My body wanted it. I got energy and nutrients that my body needed from it. I also got to experience it with friends and made some memories by doing so. Why would I want to reverse that?Also, the whole “working it off” thing isn’t how it works? That isn’t how the body works? Why was I thinking this way to begin with?

How do we get out of that weekend food guilt we so often experience, because someone, somewhere put it in your mind that we needed to feel guilty about food we enjoyed? Hell, it doesn’t even have to be weekend food guilt. It can be Wednesday night pizza food guilt or Bachelorette wine night guilt? AND FOR WHAT DAMN REASON? And how do I make it stop?????

This is just one example of a situation in which we need to learn to untrain our brains from this way of thinking. Food freedom is much harder than it sounds, unfortunately. It leaves you questioning everything you’ve ever heard or learned about food. Relearning it all can be confusing. Waking up without that food guilt is worth it though, because a food should never make you feel guilty.

No matter what you did this weekend or what it looked like for you, you deserve food today. Lets freaking eat.




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